Press Release

September 14, 2022
Cardin Hails Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approval of the Taiwan Policy Act
"Our country has been committed to helping Taiwan defend itself against Chinese aggression since 1979. This position has been reaffirmed and modernized today."

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, lauded committee approval today of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022. The legislation would modernize American policy regarding Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. It will facilitate greater U.S. military cooperation, broader exchange programs and improved economic ties between the U.S. and Taiwan. The bill includes authorization for a new Foreign Military Funding for Taiwan and greater coordination and joint training for Taiwan with U.S. military. In addition, the bill will create a framework for strong sanctions against Peoples Republic of China should they attempt to use force to change the status quo of Taiwan.

“China has been increasingly aggressive in its moves to change the status quo in its relationship with Taiwan, which would inherently alter the U.S. relationship with Taiwan and China. For this reason, we must be stronger and less opaque in our support for the people of Taiwan. I was pleased to work with my colleagues to find a path forward on the bill that is consistent with long-standing U.S. policy while also strengthening cooperation to address new challenges. Our country has been committed to helping Taiwan defend itself against Chinese aggression since 1979. This position has been reaffirmed and modernized today. The bipartisan passage of the bill shows U.S. Congress’ unwavering commitment to the people of Taiwan. I am confident in the actions taken by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today on Taiwan and look forward to seeing this bill pass in the Senate.”