Press Release

June 16, 2016
Senator Cardin Statement On Murder Of British MP Jo Cox

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, released the following statement Thursday after British Member of Parliament Jo Cox was shot and killed while campaigning in her district: 

“I am deeply saddened for the family of Jo Cox and for the people of the United Kingdom today. 

“At the core of our representative democracies is the ability for elected officials and their constituents to come together and discuss the issues of the day through many forums such as correspondence, formal events, and even walking around one’s own neighborhood. Initial reports of this tragedy bring back horrible memories of what happened to my former colleague Congresswoman Gabby Giffords five years ago in Tucson, Arizona during a ‘Congress on your Corner’ event. 

“MP Cox was a wife and mother to young children, a rising star in her party, and only recently elected to the House of Commons. As the U.K. prepares for a major referendum on their country’s future in the European Union, the United States joins her country’s leaders and people in pausing to remember her, bringing the perpetrators to justice, and standing united for the shared values and ideals that bolster our respective democracies.”