Press Release

February 7, 2008
Improvement on House package helps Seniors and Disabled Veterans

Washington, DC –
U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), a member of the Budget Committee, lauded Senate passage today of a short-term economic stimulus package that will help jumpstart our economy by targeting relief to the middle class and many of the most vulnerable Americans.


“I am pleased that the Congress has moved closer to delivering on our promise of a targeted, timely and temporary boost to our economy. Today, I voted in favor of a short-term stimulus package that builds on a positive foundation from the House of Representatives by helping middle-class and low-income Americans and adds rebate checks for 20 million seniors and 250,000 disabled veterans,” Senator Cardin said shortly after the vote.

“Families across Maryland are hurting. These are difficult times. So it is vital that we get resources into the hands of people who need them and will spend the money quickly. I am disappointed that we fell one vote short from also addressing the needs of the long-term unemployed and families that urgently need help with home heating bills. I regret that one more vote also would have let us expand assistance to those on the brink of foreclosure. I urge my colleagues to follow today’s bipartisan agreement with additional measures that correct these omissions and tackle the deep-seated issues affecting our economy – our dependence on foreign energy, soaring health care costs and growing national debt.