Press Release

May 27, 2024
Cardin Statement on Memorial Day 2024
“I urge every Marylander – every American – do not take our democracy for granted … Let us keep our fallen service members and their loved ones in our thoughts as we enjoy time with family and friends. Let us recommit ourselves to upholding the values and freedoms for which they gave their lives.”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following statement marking Memorial Day 2024, which will be recognized on Monday, May 27.

“We are the longest-standing democracy in the world, but our freedom has, does, and will come with a cost. Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor the sacrifice of our military members who have paid the ultimate price in defense our nation. Our service members, currently all volunteers, take an oath to our Constitution to serve and defend our nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. These brave men and women go into harm’s way so that all of us may enjoy life and liberty.

“As we gather with our families and friends this holiday weekend, we must not lose sight of the significance of Memorial Day. This weekend, I encourage all Marylanders to join me in honoring the men and women lost in service to our country, whom Memorial Day was created to memorialize.

“Today, I remember heroes like Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Christopher J. Chambers from Cheverly, Maryland, who gave his life trying to save his SEAL teammate after he fell into high seas at night off the coast of Somalia in January of this year. It was a selfless act, honed by years of training – one teammate risking his life for another. It is our duty to remember and honor the bravery of service members like Petty Officer Chambers today and every day.

“We will never be able to repay our fallen for what they have done for our nation. However, we can, and we must, support their loved ones who still have open seats at the dinner table and who will never get to share another birthday, anniversary or holiday with their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.

“I urge every Marylander – every American – do not take our democracy for granted. Millions across the globe do not have the freedoms we enjoy in the United States, which have been hard earned across generations. Let us keep our fallen service members and their loved ones in our thoughts as we enjoy time with family and friends. Let us recommit ourselves to upholding the values and freedoms for which they gave their lives. And let us always remember that our freedoms came at a price, so we must cherish and protect them for ourselves and generations of Americans to come.”