Press Release

September 1, 2023
For Labor Day 2023, Cardin Recognizes the Strength and Resilience of American Workers
“I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices made by workers today and in generations past, whose unwavering commitment has paved the way for a better future for themselves, their families, their communities and our Nation.”

BALTIMORE – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Maryland’s senior senator, released the following statement in celebration of Labor Day.

“Labor Day is our annual opportunity to honor the monumental achievements and contributions America’s labor movement offered to American history since its inception in the 19th century. This weekend, we celebrate the resolve and dedication of our nation’s workers.”

“After years of global turbulence and uncertainty redefining our workforce, we have now gone a record 19 month with the unemployment rate below 4 percent. In Maryland, the state’s unemployment rate sits at 1.8 percent – the lowest rate ever recorded. The American labor market’s resilience is a testament to the sheer fortitude of our workers. I recognize and honor the invaluable role the labor movement has played in reinvigorating our economy and revitalizing the social fabric of our great Nation.

“Labor Day serves as a poignant reminder of the rich history of labor unions and the significant strides unionization has achieved in improving the rights and working conditions of American workers. While we have witnessed turmoil across various industries this year, we have likewise seen the power of unions to achieve fair wages, good benefits, and social justice for their members. From empowering UPS workers with a full labor contract, to vying for richly deserved compensation and equitable working conditions in the entertainment industry, unions are instrumental in fulfilling American promises for our laborers. This is the bedrock of American vitality and democracy. I am deeply grateful for the sacrifices made by workers today and in generations past, whose unwavering commitment has paved the way for a better future for themselves, their families, their communities and our Nation.

“A strong and thriving workforce is essential for the overall well-being of our Nation. Therefore, our successes, notable as they are, must not divert our attention from addressing our challenges. Foremost among the rights of labor is the right to equality of opportunity; we must promote an inclusive, accessible, and constructive environment for all Americans to lead rewarding lives. As a dedicated advocate for workers’ rights, I remain devoted to advancing policies that promote fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to affordable healthcare, education, and a dignified retirement. When workers prosper, our entire Nation prospers.

“As we mark this significant day, beyond the barbeques and time with family and friends, I encourage all Americans to take a moment to appreciate the contributions of workers in shaping our great Nation’s history and prosperity and to recommit ourselves to building a fair and equitable society for generations to come.”