Press Release

November 29, 2023
Cardin Statement on Release of Hostages from Gaza, and Reports of Missing Hostages
“We must not allow complacency to deter us in our shared mission to reunite the other hostages held by Hamas, including American citizens.”

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement as we continue to see the release of hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza over the last six days.

“Meeting with the families of those kidnapped by Hamas was an opportunity to see true courage, resilience, and determination up close. Their strength was nothing short of inspiring, and for some of them — including the families of 4-year-old Avigail, 12-year-old Eitan, Aviva Siegel, the extended Haran family, and the Roman and Benin family — their dream to be united with their loved ones finally came true this week. Sadly, many other families continue to be trapped in a living nightmare with no indication of when or if they’ll ever be reunited with their relatives.

“I am deeply saddened by unconfirmed reports that the youngest hostages held by Hamas – 10-month-old Kfir Bibas and his four-year-old brother Ariel – along with their mother and father are still unaccounted for. My heart is with their family, and all the families, who continue to be in the dark about the whereabouts and well-being of their loved ones. They all deserve answers.

“The release of these hostages has been a cause for hope. And we are equally encouraged by the life-saving aid that has reached innocent Palestinians who are also victims of Hamas’ cruelty. But we must not allow complacency to deter us in our shared mission to bring home the other hostages held by Hamas, including American citizens. We need to know where they are, we need know their condition, and we need them to be released immediately.

“As I told the families of the hostages here in the U.S. Senate and in Israel shortly after the attack on October 7, I will not rest until we’ve succeeded in bringing all the hostages back home where they belong.”
