Press Release

July 18, 2020
Cardin Statement on the Passing of Congressman John Lewis

“John Lewis’ wisdom served as the steady moral conscious in Congress and for our nation and his passing calls upon us all to follow his example and carry on the fight for justice.”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement on the passage of Congressman John Lewis who died on July 17, 2020.

“Today, our nation mourns the loss of an American hero, Congressman John Lewis. He was a legend among us whose activism laid the groundwork for the fight for racial equality and justice that continues today.

“For John, the movement for freedom, to make our world more just and equal for all, was not merely a moment, but his life’s work. He answered this calling in the Deep South where he organized to dismantle Jim Crow segregation laws, to preserve voting rights for Black Americans and to enshrine civil rights for those denied it into the law of our land. As an original Freedom Rider, Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and a leader in the march from Montgomery to Selma which would come to be known as ‘Bloody Sunday,’ John stood stalwart in the face of violence and brutality risking his life so that our nation could stand more truthfully in its values. 

“Today, despite our current struggles, our nation is freer and more equal because of the foundation he built. He lived to witness his impact on our nation, which stretched across generations. And, as times changed, and as the struggle for equality took on new forms, his commitment never faltered. He marched through Selma and the halls of the Capitol with the same faith, courage and conviction.

“I was honored and privileged to enter Congress in 1987, the same year as Congressman Lewis. John has been a friend and a mentor of mine for many years. Even when I moved to the Senate, I continued to be inspired by the ‘good trouble’ he caused in Congress. His accomplishments as both a civil rights leader and as a legislator helped to make our nation a stronger nation under the law. A true public servant for the people of this nation, his work is far from over. John Lewis’ wisdom served as the steady moral conscious in Congress and for our nation and his passing calls upon us all to follow his example and carry on the fight for justice.”
