Press Release

October 3, 2022
Cardin Spurs First Steps Toward Securing New Federal Courthouse Building for Baltimore
Current U.S. courthouse, opened in 1976, is insufficient for modern space, security standards

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which has jurisdiction over the federal buildings program of the General Services Administration (GSA), announced an important step towards a much-needed and long-anticipated federal courthouse in Baltimore.

Last week, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved a resolution directing the GSA to examine the feasibility of replacing the Edward A. Garmatz United States District Courthouse with a new facility that better meets the needs of the courts, the employees who would use it, and the City of Baltimore. The resolution specifies that any new facility that replaces the existing courthouse must offer “substantial improvements” in several areas including safety, security, environmental performance, economic conditions and relationship to surrounding city neighborhoods.

“For decades, we’ve heard concerns from public servants who are pleading for a better facility – one that is designed to meet today’s needs, and one that honors the important work they do every day,” said Senator Cardin. “The federal employees working in Baltimore, along with litigants, jurors and witnesses reporting to the courthouse deserve a better building, and the City of Baltimore deserves a better building. By conducting this survey and submitting its report, the GSA will take a critical first step in this process.”

The resolution approved requires GSA to submit its report to Congress within 90 days.