Press Release

January 26, 2024
Cardin Reacts to Ruppersberger Decision to Not Run for Re-Election in 2024

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), released the following statement about the decision of his colleague and friend, Congressmen Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) to not seek re-election in 2024 after 11 terms of service to the people of Maryland in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“For Marylanders, Dutch Ruppersberger’s decision not to seek re-election is huge. He’s had an incredible career in public service for the people of Maryland – as a county exec, as a prosecutor and as a member of the House of Representatives. He has done so much to protect the security of our country and the economic progress of Maryland. He will be missed in the Congress of the United States. I just want to say thank you, Dutch, for everything you have done for our state.”
