Press Release

May 6, 2015
Cardin, Mikulski, Delaney Lead Congressional Honors for Warren Weinstein and Urge Greater Support for Families of American Citizens Held Hostage Abroad

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin and Congressman John Delaney have introduced resolutions with Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (All D-Md.) to honor the memory of Dr. Warren Weinstein, a Marylander who died while being held hostage by al-Qaeda in Pakistan. His death, caused by an American strike on an al-Qaeda target, was a personal loss for Cardin, Mikulski and Delaney, who all worked tirelessly to bring their constituent back to his family in Rockville.


The Cardin-Mikulski resolution (S. Res. 169), which passed the Senate by unanimous consent, and Delaney resolution (H.Res. 236) in the House of Representatives both express the condolences of the Congress to the family of Dr. Warren Weinstein, and commemorate his life and work as a humanitarian, teacher, public servant and loving family man. The lawmakers salute Dr. Weinstein for his commitment to humanitarian development work in challenging and dangerous circumstances and “calls on the United States to make the return of all United States citizens held captive abroad, regardless of their different circumstances, a top priority and provide a coordinated and consistent approach to supporting hostages and their families.”


“Warren Weinstein has left a legacy of altruism, compassion and service that stands in great contrast to the terrorists who ripped him away from his family and life’s work,” said Senator Ben Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “As we grieve the loss of Dr. Weinstein, we come together to seek answers for his death and justice for his years in captivity. We also commit ourselves to ensuring better safeguards for the men and women who work on behalf of our nation to relieve suffering and empower local peoples around the world, and greater support for their families.”


“Dr. Warren Weinstein dedicated his life to improving the conditions of others all throughout the world and his legacy will remain with us,” Senator Mikulski said. “I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this resolution commemorating the life and work of Dr. Weinstein. We must also remember, for the Weinstein family this ordeal is not over.  They have been brave beyond measure and now they deserve our continued support.”


“Dr. Warren Weinstein was a scholar and a humanitarian who served his country and was committed to building a better world. Although Warren was tragically taken from us, he will never be forgotten,” said Congressman Delaney. “It is heartbreaking that this generous man who served others was held by terrorists for the final years of his life. I am proud to work with Senator Mikulski and Senator Cardin to bring forward this resolution expressing condolences to the Weinstein family.” 


