Press Release

June 14, 2024
Cardin: “Flag Day and Maryland are Inextricably Linked”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement in recognition of Flag Day 2024.

“Thanks to the inspirational words of Francis Scott Key, written in the midst of the Battle of Baltimore in 1814, Flag Day and Maryland are intertwined. It is a day to celebrate our nation’s banner and the values of freedom, democracy, equality and opportunity for which it stands. The American flag honors those who have fought for our freedoms and rights. It is a sign of resilience and courage.

“Ours is not a perfect nation, though we strive every day to be a better place for all. Our flag therefore also is a symbol of hope and potential, promise and determination.

“Of late, there are some among us who have taken to flying the American flag upside-down for political purposes. This lack of respect is an affront to American values and traditions.

“On Flag Day, especially, but every day, Americans should be unified behind our marquis symbol of justice and unity. When we show respect to our flag – standing, peacefully kneeling, or crossing a hand over heart — we show respect to our nation, our fellow citizens, and all the United States of America should be.

“The American flag should inspire us to serve as ambassadors of the best values that guide our country and chart our course forward. Together, we can realize the vision of America, which includes all Americans and treats everyone with dignity and respect.

“In the spirit of Francis Scott Key, on this day, we also remember the six souls lost earlier this year when the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the Patapsco River in Baltimore tragically collapsed. We honor the memory of José Mynor López, Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, Maynor Yasir Suazo-Sandoval, Carlos Daniel Hernandez Estrella, and Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez, and keep their families in our thoughts and prayers.”
