Press Release

November 16, 2023
Cardin Calls Latest Continuing Resolution “A Responsible Step,” Urges Ongoing Bipartisanship to Finalize Supplemental and Full-Year Spending Bills
“Bipartisanship must continue … We cannot govern for the long-term with continuing resolutions. Only by working together on behalf of the American people will we provide the stability and confidence that our economy and our nation needs at this time.”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following remarks following passage of a Fiscal Year 2024 Continuing Resolution, which will fund the federal government through early in the new year.

“Congress took a pragmatic and responsible step of passing continued funding for the federal government into early next year and rejecting a government shutdown. Perhaps remarkable for today’s Congress, this action was accomplished through bipartisanship — responsible Republican partnership with Democrats and a rejection of the reckless agendas of the extreme right. Congress did the right thing in passing a clean continuing resolution to keep the government open and provide certainty to our federal workers, contractors, and the American people across the entire country who count on their services. Bipartisanship must continue. We have much more work to do to enact supplemental funding to address the ongoing crises in Ukraine and Israel, and we must finalize the full-year appropriations to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year. We cannot govern for the long-term with continuing resolutions. Only by working together on behalf of the American people will we provide the stability and confidence that our economy and our nation needs at this time.”   
