Press Release

April 27, 2022
Bipartisan Maryland Congressional Delegation Uses In-Person Meeting with White House Coordinator for Infrastructure Mitch Landrieu to Pitch Transformative Maryland Projects

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, and Congressmen Steny H. Hoyer, Dutch Ruppersberger, John Sarbanes, Kweisi Mfume, Andy Harris and Anthony G. Brown met Tuesday with White House Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator Mitch Landrieu to discuss how the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, passed by Congress, can advance Maryland priorities and projects. In coordination with the Biden-Harris administration, the lawmakers already have delivered hundreds of millions of dollars to Maryland for bridges, transit, water infrastructure, broadband, and more.

“Our conversation with Mitch Landrieu was an important opportunity for Team Maryland to communicate just how critical these new federal infrastructure investments are for our state,” said Senator Cardin. “We see opportunities to bring transformative change to Maryland in all areas of our infrastructure, as well as related job growth and small business opportunities. To take greatest advantage of this landmark policy, we want to ensure the federal government remains a strong federal partner for Maryland as federal funding decisions and programs are implemented.”

“Congress spent decades talking about the need to modernize our national infrastructure, but it wasn’t until last year that we got it done. Now we are beginning to see the results. Federal funds are coming to Maryland to fix crumbling roads and bridges, fully invest in our transit systems, support our ports, ensure clean water systems, and ensure universal access to high speed internet,” said Senator Van Hollen. “Federal Team Maryland had a productive meeting with the President’s point person on implementing the bill, Mitch Landrieu, to discuss priority infrastructure projects throughout Maryland, including using funds to reconnect communities and end the injustice of the notorious Highway to Nowhere that divides West Baltimore.”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law secured billions in historic funding for Maryland that will provide much-needed upgrades to our infrastructure,” Congressman Hoyer said. “I was glad to join others in the Maryland Delegation to discuss Maryland’s infrastructure projects and priorities with White House Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator Mitch Landrieu. Thanks to the leadership of former Mayor Landrieu and the Biden-Harris Administration, the idea of stronger, more modern infrastructure that can create jobs and connect Marylanders to better opportunities is more than just a vision – it’s a reality.” 

“President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rebuild crumbling roads and bridges, modernize transit, replace lead pipes, invest in our ports and waterways, provide high-speed internet to every family, and reconnect communities,” said Infrastructure Coordinator Landrieu. “The Maryland delegation played an integral role in the development of the law and will see unprecedented resources for its infrastructure as a result. I thank Senators Cardin and Van Hollen, Leader Hoyer and members of the delegation for their partnership. Building a better America is a shared effort, so it was great to hear the delegation’s priorities first hand.”

“The bipartisan infrastructure law is providing game-changing funding to update and rebuild Maryland’s roads, bridges, waterways and pipelines,” Congressman Ruppersberger said. “With this opportunity also comes great responsibility to spend these tax dollars wisely and where Marylanders will benefit most. Yesterday, the delegation and administration had a productive meeting to identify our infrastructure priorities and ensure we get the most bang for our buck. This will be an historic undertaking and it is exciting to see these long-awaited projects move closer to reality.”

“Implementing this once-in-a-generation agenda for Maryland’s infrastructure must be a coordinated, collective effort and I was pleased to hear that echoed by Mitch Landrieu today,” said Congressman Sarbanes. “Importantly, our discussion addressed the challenges in ensuring a well-trained workforce is ready to complete and execute new projects. This will remain one of my top priorities as we deliver funding to Maryland.”

“Having a direct pipeline to the White House on infrastructure is crucial to continuing the path to economic recovery post pandemic. Reconnecting stable communities divided by the infamous and misguided highway to nowhere slashing our City in half is something for which I continue to seek redress. Mitch Landrieu is an experienced hand when it comes to government projects helping create jobs, aid small businesses, and increase minority contractor participation.  The meeting was informative and productive.  We look forward to further funding and help from the administration to make our roads, bridges, tunnels, and other critical infrastructure stronger and more efficient for Maryland and for the nation,” said Congressman Mfume.

“During the Biden Administration, the Maryland delegation has championed historic investments that have modernized our infrastructure, put Marylanders back to work after a devastating recession, and transformed our economy for the better. It was great meeting with my good friend, fellow former Lieutenant Governor and partner, Mitch Landrieu as we work with the White House to put policy into action,” said Congressman Brown. “These successes make the continued work to Build Back Better all the more exciting. Marylanders deserve modern, 21st-century transit, green infrastructure, and action to correct the infrastructure mistakes of the past in order to reconnect communities. Together we will continue to deliver.”

So far, the Maryland Congressional delegation has announced funding from the Infrastructure Investment and jobs Act, including:
