Press Release

June 4, 2024
Cardin Statement on Biden’s Border Executive Actions
“I value President Biden’s willingness to act, but Congress needs to act. We should be working with the executive branch."

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, responded with the following remarks to President Joe Biden’s announcement of executive actions to address border security.

“America’s values have always been our strength. Freedom, compassion, opportunity. Our immigration system is broken, and we all know it. Twice now, the Senate has tried to pass a tough, bipartisan plan to make reforms and inject resources into a system bursting at the seams. Republicans refused to support this plan because Donald Trump told them to vote no.

“I value President Biden’s willingness to act, but Congress needs to act. We should be working with the executive branch to create a humane and reasonable path to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS recipients and others who have long called the United States home – many have known no other home. For those trying to enter the U.S., we must be willing to make the investments that allow for an orderly and legal process. We are talking about people’s lives.

“We need to follow our values. Immigration reform should not be a political game waiting for whoever wins the next election. This cannot wait.”