News Article

Senate set to advance Mahsa Amini act in April
March 30, 2024


By: Staff

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has finally scheduled a formal markup hearing for the MAHSA Act, a bill aimed at imposing sanctions on Iran’s leaders.

More than 7 months after its approval in the House of Representatives, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee announced that it will discuss the Gina Mahsa Amini bill on April 16.

The head of the committee, Democrat Benjamin  Cardin, decided to put the legislation on its agenda after his previous reservations about putting it up for discussion and voting, a step welcomed by representatives supporting the approval of the project, including Republican Representative Jim Banks, who wrote on the “X” platform, saying: “The project must be put to a vote.” To honor the memory of Mahsa Amini and hold the Iranian regime responsible for its violation of human rights,” Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.

Banks urged Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to put the project to a vote in the Senate.

This tweet contains two basic points: the first includes a reference to the penalties in the details of the project, and the second to the next steps and its challenges.

The legislation of Gina “Mahsa Amini”, who was killed by the Iranian morality police on September 16, 2022 under the pretext of not adhering to the requirements of the hijab, was approved by the House of Representatives last September with an overwhelming majority of 410 votes, prompting the American administration to impose sanctions on Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the President Ebrahim Raisi and other Iranian officials for “human rights violations and support for terrorism.”

The legislation requires the Biden administration to impose sanctions within 90 days of its approval, and also calls for freezing the assets of Iranian officials who have contributed to human rights violations.