News Article

Sen. Cardin: Netanyahu’s words on two-state solution will ‘change pretty dramatically’ after the war
January 19, 2024


By: Andrea Mitchell

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ruling out the establishment of a Palestinian state after the Israel-Hamas war ends, despite calls from the U.S. to start working toward that goal. Andrea Mitchell is joined by Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) to discuss the post-war future of Palestine.

“Once the Hamas threat is eliminated, the attitude, and I think the language is going to change pretty dramatically. There is no other option for peace in the region than two states living side by side in peace,” Cardin tells Andrea. “So I recognize what the Prime Minister is saying today. When the war is over, when the threat is eliminated from Hamas, we expect there will be a different attitude, particularly in the desire to get normalization with countries in the region.”