A resolution reaffirming the importance of the United States promoting the safety, health, and well-being of refugees and displaced persons in the United States and around the world. [S.RES.743]

Introduced: 2024-06-20 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-06-20] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S4183-4184; text: CR S4182-4183)

A bill to improve the understanding of, and promote access to treatment for, chronic kidney disease, and for other purposes. [S.4469]

Introduced: 2024-06-05 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-06-05] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.

A resolution remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and condemning the widespread repression against citizens, the transnational repression against activists and other individuals, and the systematic efforts to undermine human rights norms within and outside of the United Nations system by the People's Republic of China. [S.RES.715]

Introduced: 2024-06-03 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-06-03] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S3932-3933)

A resolution recognizing widening threats to freedom of the press and free expression around the world, reaffirming the vital role that a free and independent press plays in combating the growing threats of authoritarianism, misinformation, and disinformation, and reaffirming freedom of the press as a priority of the United States Government in promoting democracy, human rights, and good governance in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2024. [S.RES.688]

Introduced: 2024-05-15 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-05-15] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S3714-3715)

A resolution welcoming President Santiago Pena of Paraguay and commemorating the bilateral relationship between the Republic of Paraguay and the United States. [S.RES.685]

Introduced: 2024-05-14 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-05-14] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S3688-3689)

A resolution promoting minority health awareness and supporting the goals and ideals of National Minority Health Month in April 2024, which include bringing attention to the health disparities faced by minority populations of the United States such as American Indians, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. [S.RES.675]

Introduced: 2024-05-02 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-05-02] - Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S3368; text: CR S3322-3323)

A resolution expressing concern about the elevated levels of lead in one-third of the world's children and the global causes of lead exposure, and calling for the inclusion of lead exposure prevention in global health, education, and environment programs abroad. [S.RES.654]

Introduced: 2024-04-18 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-04-18] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S2890-2891)

A bill to authorize a higher Federal share for emergency relief funds for the reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge located in Baltimore City and Baltimore and Anne Arundel Counties, Maryland, that collapsed on March 26, 2024, and for other purposes. [S.4114]

Introduced: 2024-04-11 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-04-11] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

A resolution recognizing the importance of the United States-Japan alliance and welcoming the visit of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to the United States. [S.RES.626]

Introduced: 2024-04-08 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-04-08] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

A bill to amend the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act to make improvements to that Act, and for other purposes. [S.4022]

Introduced: 2024-03-21 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-03-21] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

A bill to protect stateless persons in the United States, and for other purposes. [S.3987]

Introduced: 2024-03-20 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-03-20] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

A resolution recognizing the 75th anniversary of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and its critical role in improving the dental, oral, and craniofacial health of the United States through research, training, and the dissemination of health information. [S.RES.605]

Introduced: 2024-03-20 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-03-20] - Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2478; text: CR S2475-2476)

A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, with respect to the highway safety improvement program, and for other purposes. [S.3964]

Introduced: 2024-03-14 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-03-14] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

A bill to combat transnational repression abroad, to strengthen tools to combat authoritarianism, corruption, and kleptocracy, to invest in democracy research and development, and for other purposes. [S.3854]

Introduced: 2024-02-29 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-05-07] - Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 375.

A bill to protect individuals who face reprisals for defending human rights and democracy by enhancing the capacity of the United States Government to prevent, mitigate, and respond in such cases, and for other purposes. [S.3705]

Introduced: 2024-01-31 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-01-31] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

A resolution expressing solidarity with the people of Guatemala and urging the Government of Guatemala to permit a peaceful transfer of power to President-elect Bernardo Arevalo. [S.RES.518]

Introduced: 2024-01-10 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2024-01-10] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S75-76)

A concurrent resolution condemning the hostilities in Sudan and standing with the people of Sudan in their calls for peace and their democratic aspirations. [S.CON.RES.24]

Introduced: 2023-12-19 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2023-12-19] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S6060)

A resolution reinforcing the United States-Senegal relationship and urging the Government of Senegal to conduct free, fair, transparent, and inclusive elections on February 25, 2024. [S.RES.511]

Introduced: 2023-12-18 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2023-12-18] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text: CR S6023)

A bill to designate the visitor and education center at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine as the 'Paul S. Sarbanes Visitor and Education Center'. [S.3544]

Introduced: 2023-12-14 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2023-12-14] - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. (Sponsor introductory remarks on measure: CR S5999)

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate in support of the peaceful, democratic, and economic aspirations of the people of Sri Lanka. [S.RES.493]

Introduced: 2023-12-12 by Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
Latest status: [2023-12-12] - Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.