U.S. Senator Ben Cardin

Letters From Ben

July 13, 2024

NATO Summit

Dear Fellow Marylanders,

This week, Washington, D.C. was buzzing as leaders from Europe converged here for the NATO Summit. It’s a big deal, and I want to share why this meeting is so important for all of us.

Let’s take a trip back in time to 75 years ago, when the world had just come out of World War II. To keep the peace, the United States and a group of other countries formed what we now call NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

At the heart of NATO is a simple but powerful idea: if someone picks a fight with one of us, they’re picking a fight with all of us. This promise, known as Article 5, means that we’ve got each other’s backs no matter what. It’s the ultimate neighborhood watch on a global scale.

Fast forward to today, and NATO is still here, still strong. Why does this matter? Well, just look at what’s happening in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion has been brutal, targeting innocent people and committing terrible acts. For countries near Russia, the only thing standing between them and this kind of violence is the strength of NATO. Our alliance with other NATO countries helps keep them – and us – safe.

NATO has grown stronger over the years. Recently, Finland and Sweden joined the club, bringing more friends into our circle. The Biden Administration has been a big help too, making sure our alliance stays solid. And thanks to everyone pitching in, especially our friends on NATO’s eastern edges, we’re more unified than ever before.

But like any healthy friendship, there are always questions and challenges. Some wonder if we’ll stick to our promises and if we’ll keep helping Ukraine. I want you to know that as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I’m committed to saying “Yes, we absolutely will.” NATO has been there for us in tough times, like after 9/11 and during Hurricane Katrina. Now, it’s our turn to stand by our friends.

Even as we look to the future and discuss how best to handle new challenges, our commitment to democracy, human rights, and peace remains our guiding light. We’re in this together, and that makes us all stronger. As we celebrate NATO’s 75th anniversary, let’s remember the importance of this alliance in keeping our world safer. I urge my colleagues and all of you to support and protect NATO. Together, we can ensure a future that is free, secure, and peaceful for our children and grandchildren.

Thank you for being a part of this journey and for your unwavering support. Please reply to this email to let me know your thoughts on this or on any topic. I value your feedback.

In solidarity,

Ben Cardin