Press Release

October 12, 2023
Cardin, Ranking Member Risch to Introduce Senate Resolution Supporting Israel

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chair and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following statements on their intent to introduce a bipartisan resolution supporting Israel when the Senate returns to session next week.

“Hamas is a terrorist organization, and its brazen acts of terrorism against civilians must be met with a united response that strongly underscores America’s unwavering support for the people of Israel,” said Chair Cardin. “My thoughts are with the families of those lost and missing, including families here in the United States. The U.S. Congress is unified in working to support our ally, and to send a clear message to the world that terrorism against innocents will not be tolerated. I look forward to swiftly introducing a bipartisan resolution when the Senate reconvenes to demonstrate our ironclad support for Israel’s security.”

“The devastating attacks against Israel are a reminder of why the United States unequivocally supports the people of Israel. We mourn the loss of Israelis, Americans, and others who have been killed in these senseless acts of terrorism,” said Ranking Member Risch. “Support to Israel is already on the way, and Congress will work to speed up additional assistance as quickly as possible. I will also continue to press the administration to cut off Iranian resources that fuel these attacks. The days ahead will be tough, but the United States will continue to support our partner until the job is done and Israel’s citizens are safe.”
