U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), today joined with the National Park Service (NPS) to present a ceremonial check to the Queen Anne’s County Commissioners for $45,000 to create the Ferry Point Trail, an interpretive walking trail and bridge that will be part of the NPS’s Chesapeake Gateways Network.
The Ferry Point Trail will create an interpretive walking trail highlighting the cultural and environmental aspects of the Chesapeake Bay, the Chester River and Kent Narrows.
The trail will originate at the Chesapeake Exploration Center and will connect the Cross Island Trail.
The Ferry Point Trail will allow access to the cape bordered to the north by the Chester River and to the east by the Kent Narrows.
It will offer opportunities for interpretation of the working waterfront within the Kent Narrows area and the importance of preservation of natural habitat within the region.
“The Ferry Point Trail will enhance the Chesapeake Exploration Center, providing an important connection within the Chesapeake Gateways Network that will make it possible for visitors to have greater accessibility of this portion of the Bay,” said
Senator Cardin. “The creation of the Ferry Point Trail has been a real partnership effort among the federal, state, and county governments.”
“We are delighted to be able to provide a financial award to support Queen Anne’s County’s development of the Ferry Point Interpretive Walking Trail. This Trail will connect the Chesapeake Exploration Center and the Cross Island Trail, two popular gateways,” said
John Maounis
, Superintendent of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network. “This new trail will help the county tell the story of the importance of the Bay to the county’s development and the importance of natural habitat to the continuing health of this national treasure.”
Created in 1998, the Chesapeake Gateways and Watertrails program helps to fund a network that includes parks, refuges, museums, historic sites and watertrails spanning the Bay watershed.
In 10 years, the Network has grown to include more than 150 sites in five states and the District of Columbia, helping visitors appreciate the far-reaching role the Chesapeake Bay has had in our region’s culture and history.