Press Release

August 13, 2010

U.S. Senators Benjamin L. Cardin
Barbara A. Mikulski (both D-MD)
today announced the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) released funds to the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDT) to make intersection improvements at BRAC transportation “hot spots” near three Maryland military installations. The funding, secured by Senator Mikulski in the FY2010 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) funding bill, will greatly improve safety and access to military bases in Maryland and ease traffic congestion stemming from BRAC-related growth in the area.


“These Department of Transportation grants represent a significant commitment by the federal government to ensure that Maryland has the resources that are required to meet our growing transportation needs that will come from BRAC relocations and other military-related expansions at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground and Andrews Air Force Base,” said
Senator Cardin.  “Improving our state’s transportation infrastructure is one of my top priorities and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that we receive the federal support that is needed for these critical transportation improvements.”


 “My promises made to BRAC-impacted communities are promises kept,” said
Senator Mikulski, a member of the THUD Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the DOT. “It’s my job to put money in the federal checkbook where there is a federal responsibility, but not enough funding. BRAC brings great opportunities, but it also brings great challenges. That’s why I’m fighting to make sure Maryland has what it needs to implement the BRAC decisions and meet the increased demands on our communities and decreased the burden on local taxpayers.”


Three funding awards were made to MDT for the following road improvement projects:



Montgomery County has been awarded $4,400,000 in funding to undertake the design process and right-of-way purchases necessary to make intersection improvements at key locations along access routes to the Bethesda National Naval Medical Center, including the MD 355 corridor.


Prince George’s County was awarded $2,496,700 for the design of intersection improvements around Andrews Air Force Base.


Harford County was awarded $2,881,450 to design intersection improvements and right-of-way purchases at key locations along access routes to the Aberdeen Proving Ground.