Press Release

March 12, 2015
Cardin Condemns Attack on Police Officers in Ferguson, Missouri

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the shooting of two police officers at a protest outside the Ferguson, Mo. Police Station.

 “The cycle of violence in Ferguson must be broken. We can never accept or justify this type of violence in our society as commonplace or in any way justified. This heinous attack targeted two law enforcement officers and the rule of law they, and all men and women in uniform, swear to uphold. My prayers are with the two wounded officers, their families, as well as the St. Louis County and Webster Groves Police Departments. I call on the Justice Department to do all in its power to bring the shooter or shooters to justice. Now should be a time of national togetherness and healing for the people of Ferguson.”

Last week, Senator Cardin reintroduced legislation to create a National Blue Alert System (S. 665). It would create a nationwide alert system to apprehend violent criminals who have injured or killed police officers or who have made an imminent or credible threat to cause serious injury or death of a law enforcement officer. The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 is named in honor of two New York City Police Officers who were assassinated while sitting in their police patrol car in December 2014.

