Press Release

January 20, 2016
Cardin Applauds Obama Veto of Short-Sighted Attempt to Undercut Clean Water Act

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, today issued the following statement welcoming President Barack Obama’s veto of an attempt by congressional Republicans to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Rule, which clarifies Clean Water Act protections for small bodies of water and was shaped by historic levels of public input.


“President Obama’s veto of the effort to undercut the Clean Water Act is both welcome and well-reasoned. The president clearly recognizes the value of the fundamental protections the act provides for our watersheds and communities, as well as the certainty the Clean Water Rule grants to businesses and agriculture. If ours is to be a country with safe drinking water, thriving fish and wildlife populations and a stable business climate, the Clean Water Rule must be allowed to move forward immediately. Simply put, the importance of our clean water laws should never be clearer. Common sense must dictate that enhancing fundamental protections for clean water is the only truly responsible course of action. The Clean Water Rule is carefully crafted guidance that reflects years of analysis, evaluation and public engagement by the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers. It was shaped by more than 1 million public comments and 400 field hearings and meetings across the country. It is a measure that guarantees every American the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing that the water coming out of the tap is clean and safe. President Obama’s action reinforces our national certainty on clean water and is clearly in line with the best interests of the American public. I applaud the president’s action and look forward to continuing to work with the White House and my colleagues in the Senate to ensure that America’s waters are properly safeguarded.”

